We are JK Health Management Services, we employ psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, board certified registered Psychiatric Nurse practitioners, licensed clinical therapist and licensed clinical social workers. We do an array of diagnostic testing and procedures for individuals. In confidence we assist individual human persons in their experiences in life with schizophrenia, mood and/or bipolar disorders, schizo affective disorders and all the Major depression classifications. Reactions to life's ever changing volatility and reality. We help people deal with losses not limited to human life's losses but also relationships in general. Losses that involves finances and job losses. We will help you assess your options and inform you if there any available local/state or federal programs that maybe applicable to your cases. We also assist you and your children in the diagnosis of young and adult cases of Attention Deficit Disorders. Or with the children's age group Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders. We also may assist you in cases that is beyond our realm of expertise by referring you to facilities that do take care of your concerns.
ServicesOur focus is that of mulch-disciplinary approach that does not limit us to medication management alone. We involve the experts that is in our facility to help you get through your challenges in a more exact and complete manner. Please call us a 209 384 1571 for an initiation of our services. Additional ServicesClinical Psychologists, Therapist, Clinical Psychological Testing