I first brought my son to Dr Tryon when he was 8 years old. She helped me create changes that were soothing to my son and brought a calmer home life to all of us. As my son got older, she helped us recognize his struggle with attention and we began treatment for ADHD. Now, 26 yrs later, my son asked me for her number for his own son. When we visited her, it felt as if we'd come back to the right place. Someone who knew my son's story. Without missing a beat, she helped my son gain confidence and joy in his relationship.
Dr. Tryon has been a life line for our family. With a child who has struggled with numerous issues she has been a wealth of information and support. For parents who have challenging children, the stress on a marriage is tremendous. Dr. Tryon worked hard to treat all of us so that we could understand our family dynamics and work toward more healthy strategies. She is a knowledgable profeesional who I have recommended numerous time to others.