BioVeda Health and Wellness Centers are a national network of healthcare providers specializing in holistic and complementary alternative medicine. The BioVeda network of providers consists of holistic physicians specializing in Chiropractic care, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Naturopathy, diet and nutrition to help patients to get well and stay well.
BioVeda clinics exclusively offer NSRT (Neurological Stress Reduction Therapy) which integrates MESA (Meridian and Energy Stress Assessment) Technology, Low Level Light Therapy, nutrition and homeopathy to respectively help identify environmental stressors, reduce physiological stress on the body, increase energy, promote healthy and natural detoxification and bring the body back to balance. Our clinics offer services for various types of chronic musculskeletal pain and inflammation, fibromyalgia and through our integrated use of homeopathic medications, we are able to offer relief from many types of allergy symptoms, skin rashes, digestive discomfort and migraine pain.
Each BioVeda Health and Wellness Center is independently owned and operated by a licensed medical professional. Services may vary from clinic to clinic based on specialization and clinical experience. If you or someone you know is looking for safe, natural and effective healthcare, BioVeda is right for you.