Financial problems can put a tremendous strain on your life. Whether you are single, engaged, or married, how you handle your finances will play a major role in the health and success of your personal life and relationships. People from all income levels struggle with money. Rarely does earning a good income indicate success in dealing with personal finance. Most of us have the uncanny ability to spend what we make regardless of income. Our mission is to help put you back in control of your own finances through proper planning, budgeting, debt reduction and investing.
Our service is simply that of a financial coach. We will outline steps for achieving financial independence and walk you through your own personal situation. No matter how good or how difficult the situation is, there is a way to turn your finances around or simply improve on what you are already doing.
Our Focus For You:
Establishing a written plan for your finances Debt elimination Working together in a relationship on financial matters Reviewing and establishing the 14 keys to a sound financial plan Providing you with the resources you need to achieve your financial goals By working with us you will be on your way very quickly to:
Establishing an emergency fund Never using credit cards again Becoming debt free Saving for retirement & college Purchasing a home that will be a blessing to you Giving and building wealth beyond what you thought possible
ServicesMoney Matters Counseling is a Financial Counselor located in Knoxville, TN. A Financial Counselor is trained to counsel those in need of Financial counseling.
Please call Dean Vince, Owner at (865) 283-1441 to schedule an appointment in Knoxville, TN or to get more information.