Helping people get past their pain (physical and emotional) ahd helping them return to an active, healthy lifestyle. Specializing in insomnia, pain and stress management. I also do Facial acupuncture with both needle and non-needle techniques. 20 years of experience as Florida State Licensed Massage Therapist.
ServicesI specialize in pain reduction, stress management, digestive issues, weight loss and more. I treat the patient. I have a special which you can come for a stress balancing treatment for $175/month for 4 treatments. This is for new patients.
I am also a Certified Nutritional Coach and I help people understand how to manage their weight for both losing and maintaining in a healthy manner by stabilizing blood sugar. People are taught to eat healthy but most are not taught how to eat "right" and even though they are eating healthy, they can still gain weight or have the wrong proportions of food. Individualized counseling is available.