An Sen Acupuncture and Massage specializes in comprehensive alternative healthcare. We focus on pain/muscular skeletal, Gynecology, Fertility, Stress/Emotional, and Auto Accident Recovery. Pedestrians, bicyclists, Passangers and Drivers involved in Auto Accidents are treated free. Workers comp and insurance accepted.
ServicesAn Sen Clinic a NE PDX integrative medicine center, dedicated to the practice of Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 5 Element, Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, & Massage Therapy. Our patient care model is designed to enhance communication within the members of its integrative medical team. Our practitioners meet on a weekly basis to discuss patient cases and coordination of care. They refer patients to other providers when needed and maintain contact with a patient’s referring provider to clarify treatment goals, report treatment progress and to refer the patient back once treatment is complete. We treat using a combined conventional and alternative approach and our physcians will incorporate the latest scientific, research and treatment advances when coordinating your care. Located beside Providence medical center on NE 44th and Glisan St, our clinic has ADA Parking, Access, Herbal Medicinary, and event space. We are on most insurance panels and can check your insurance benefits.