Lynne Martin is a Clinical Dietitian in private practice in Corte Madera and San Francisco. Lynne Martin has been working in the field of nutrition for over 20 years. She works from a non dieting approach She has expertise in group and individual counseling. She got her first experience working with eating disorders at the University Health Network, at the Toronto General Hospital Eating Disorders Program, a world-renowned treatment facility. The emphasis was on a Cognitive Behavioral therapy approach which has a strong emphasis in all of her work with individuals and groups. She works with people who suffer with Anorexia, Bulimia and Binge Eating Disorder. She is a certified adolescent weight management specialist and helps both families and individuals who struggle with weight issues. One aspect of her private practice is specialized groups to help people look at how feelings and food get so intertwined. Individuals gain skills to help separate their feelings from the food to normalize eating. She does meal groups where individuals get to learn proper portion sizing and take risks with food in a safe environment.
Years In Practice35
Primary Specialty
Dietitian - Nutritionist
EducationBASc. Specializing in Applied Human Nutrition at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
ServicesShe works with: women and men, adults and teens, individuals and families. She specializes in the treatment of: Bulimia Anorexia Binge Eating Disorders Emotional Eating Weight Control Adolescent weight management General Nutrition (helping individuals and families to have a healthier balanced way of eating in this hectic lifestyle we live in). She provides Individual and group nutrition counseling and therapeutic meals.