Eat This Nutrition provides you with professional nutrition counseling by a registered dietitian to help you reach your health goals. Consultation is tailored to your individual needs and lifestyle. We provide a variety of counseling and consulting services including, but not limited to:
Weight management General wellness Personalized meal planning and diet analysis Medical nutrition therapy for a wide variety of diseases and disorders including diabetes, heart disease, gastrointestinal disorders, cancer, kidney disease, liver disease, and many others Speaking engagements Corporate wellness consulting
Our goal is to provide you with practical and informed guidance to help you create sustainable lifestyle changes while still enjoying the food you eat.
We serve the Spokane/Couer d'Alen area, evening and weekend appointment available.
Years In Practice19
Primary Specialty
Dietitian - Nutritionist
EducationBS Nutrition from Bastyr University, 2005
TrainingWashington State University Dietetic Internship 2005-2006
AffiliationsAmerican Dietetic Association, Nutrition Entrepreneurs, and the Greater Spokane Dietetic Association.
CertificationRegistered dietitian, certified dietitian, certified nutrition support clinician
Office StaffNichole is a registered dietitian and a Certified Nutrition Support Clinician. She earned her bachelor's degree in nutrition from Bastyr University in 2005 and completed her dietetic internship with Washington State University.
Nichole has extensive experience in the hospital, homecare, and outpatient setting, with expertise in a wide-range of nutrition topics including diabetes, weight management, pediatric nutrition, and general wellness.
ServicesIndividual and family nutrition counseling for weight management, disease management (medical nutrition therapy), and general wellness. Corporate wellness programs also available.