Took my boyfriend into the ER yesterday for a head trauma accident. The admitting staff was awesome. Took him back to trauma right away. Once in the trauma area the trauma nurse started auguring with the admitting nurse about what level of trauma it was. The trauma nurse laid into the admitting nurse while in the room with the patient, for about 3 minutes. I felt this was very unprofessional. If the trauma nurse needed to reprimand the admitting nurse about levels of trauma it should be done away from the patient who is under stress and should not be hearing a dispute about whether he fell on his head or was hit with a tool. Then the ER doctor was also a stuffy person. He said in the hall way just put a bandage and send him home. Didn't seem to have the time or professionalism to answer questions about my concerns. Hell about concussions issues. He was training another doctor, sure hope she doesn't practice like he does. Bravo to the admitting staff and the ER nurses for their compassion about patient care. These health care personal do take an oath... it should show in patient care.