The Gift of Touch, LLC provides affordable, professional massage therapy in Cary, NC. Our mission is to provide high quality massage therapy and body work at reasonable prices. We located in a larger body studio that offers Jazzercise, Martial Arts, Bellydancing, and Social Dancing classes to keep overhead costs low. This unique set up allows us to keep prices lower benefiting you, the client.
Years In Practice23
Primary Specialty
Massage Therapist
EducationUNC Charlotte; Medical Arts Massage School; Wake Technical Community College Nursing
TrainingMassage Therapy; Nursing
AffiliationsAmerican Massage Therapy Association, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
CertificationACLS, BLS
Office StaffKimberly Bagley owns The Gift of Touch, LLC and has been practicing massage therapy since 2002.
ServicesTherapeutic Massage (Swedish, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point Therapy); Oncology Massage (Free Consulation is required); Hot Stone Massage; Reflexology; Salt Scrub w/Massage; Seaweed Body Wrap; French Green Clay Body Wrap; Azuki Face Lift; Body Brush Add On; Thai Compresses Add On; Loving the Skin Your In Package; Total Surrender Package