ServicesTrinity Counseling And Consulting practices at 4319 Covington Highway, Decatur, GA 30035. Marriage and family therapists diagnose and treat mental and emotional issues and concerns within marriages, couples and families.
For more information, call Trinity Counseling And Consulting at (404) 284-1191.
They make sure to treat all their clients equally and without favoritism. I've always hated it when I've seen favoritism going on at other places I've visited. It's nice that it doesn't happen here. I never had to doubt their qualifications. They made their credentials completely obvious, which made me feel a lot safer. There was no annoying music playing while I waited or during my visit. I appreciated that they didn't have that typical elevator music on. They have really great customer service here. They always put their customers first, regardless of the situation. The staff really knows what they're doing, and they know a lot about the company they work for. They're able to answer most of my questions, and the only ones they don't are the ones they need their boss's approval for.