ServicesEZ Exercise Repair is a Fitness Supplier at 37 Maple St, Middleton, MA 01949. provides reviews, contact information, driving directions and the phone number for EZ Exercise Repair in Middleton, MA.
This man has had to change his company name several times over the years as he has made a habit of fleecing people, especially older people. He has the same motive. He will diagnose a repair, take your money and never show up again. Nickels and dimes....hundred here two hundred there and it goes on and on. no return calls nothng. exercise repair companies have taken him off their websites but he keeps on changing the company name. He should change his own. I will never forget his sleaziness for a crummy $175... I hope over the years Ive cost him a lot more. He would never explain or face me. Doug Bozek is the highest form of coward there is hiding under a tootless smile. The ultimate phone. BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE!