I am a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist and a Certified Personal Trainer. I have bridged both nutrition and fitness into my life for the past 30 years. I am in private practice educating my patients and clients on how to stay young, healthy and fit from the inside out. I work remotely with individuals all over the country. I use a comprehensive blood chemistry to analyze and evaluate nutritional deficiency and to expose potential disease risk factors to help balance hormones, strengthen the immune system and support brain function through natural botanicals and homeopathic remedies.
Years In Practice20
Primary Specialty
Dietitian - Nutritionist
EducationBS Bachelors of Science - Marketing and Modern Dance MS Masters of Science - Sports Medicine and Exercise Physiology CCN - Pre-med and Nutrition
ServicesLab testing - blood, urine and saliva hormone, adjunctive therapy and supportive care, homeopathics, detoxification protocols, diet and wellness programs