After two years of independent practice, Dr. William Moody took over operation of the Dickson Clinic of Chiropractic (Est 1981) in 2011 after the retirement of Tom Dickson. The clinic was re-named to Dynamic Motion Chiropractic in 2013 to better embody the spirit of functional performance emphasized by Dr. Moody.
ServicesThe office specializes in the low-force chiropractic technique known as Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique The technique utilizes specific tests for every joint in the body, paired with a precision instrument used to administer treatments. The result: a highly effective, customized patient experience.
Chiropractic therapy is complimented by physiotherapies, including: electrical stimulation, muscle and soft tissue massage, therapeutic ultrasound, intersegmental traction (roller table), and high frequency diathermy.Additional ServicesWilliam Moody