my case; my insurance Horizon BCBS sent a check with EOB to be sent to Surgicare. Endorsed check & sent to Surgicare. Communication received after 3 weeks check was sent from F. Spataro to send check. Spoke with her & informed that check was sent & my insurance confirms that her company cashed check. She was not willing to trace the whereabouts of the check in question in her company starting to check receipt to bank deposit. Insurance company mailed & faxed copy of front & back of check to prove that surgicare deposited check. Received final notice regarding same problem that they will send my case to their attorney for billing collection. HARASSMENT!!! I need a response on this matter. Should I sue for pain & suffering due to stress it caused??? Francine Spataro of Surgicare of Fair Lawn Billing Department needs re-evaluation regarding her work performance from her employer.