Semi private training club, personalized weight loss programs, personalized Sport specific programs. Injury prevention, Post-rehabilitation programs, Body building, Power lifting, limited size group classes: Stretch, Pilates, Step, Cardio pump . Adjacent yoga, nutrition center, massage
Primary Specialty
Health Club
Office StaffDwayne E. Russell Former Washington State Powerlifting Champion. Personal trainer for 55 years. O. Frances Russell 50 years of Acrobatic, Ballet, Resistance and Aerobic training, holding three Personal Training certificates.
ServicesBased on my 55 years experience we operate 24 HOUR GYM as a semi private, personal training facility. We instruct people of all ages, reality training programs for sports, work, and activities of daily living. With 10,000 punds of free weights, cable machines, cardio machines, and hand eye equipment we help our clients reach and maintain their personal exercise goals.