Jungmin Ahn is an East Asia Medicine Practitioner who specializes in acupuncture and pain management. My expertises are low back pain, whiplash, shoulder pain, sport injury, carpal tunnel syndrome. We offer East Asian Medicine for pain control and rehabilitation. Our treatment methods are acupuncture, Asian herbal medicine, emotional freedom technique, health supplement recommendation, Tui-Na, infra-ray heat; individualized health plan including food prescription, mindful lifestyle, custom exercise, relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and hydrotherapy. I focus on how you transform into a healthy lifestyle with your daily schedule. We provide natural and safe treatment to relieve your pain in an integrative approach with your primary care doctor and specialists so that you enjoy what you love to do without health barriers and live with an optimal health.
Years In Practice17
Primary Specialty
EducationInHa Univeristy Emperor's College of Traditional Oriental Medicine Bastyr University
TrainingPreceptorship, Dong-Seo Oriental Medicine Hospital Internship, Bastyr center for natural health, Acupuncture preceptorship, HAN BANG Acupuncture Research Society Medic in Orthopedic Department, Chang Dong Army Hospital
AffiliationsPainless Clinic
CertificationPo-Chon Cha Medical University Advanced Complementary and Alternative medicine certificate Metagenics Lifestyle educator certificate (Therapeutic Lifestyle Transformation program)
I want to share my testimonial of how well our time spent together has been of great use for my mental and physical health. I feel energized and more positive do to your treatment techniques. I recommend anyone who needs an uplift for their well being go see Jungmin and see the results for yourself. The benefit of Jungmins treatments are best described as star quality.