Northwest Advanced Medical Massage
22116 62ND AVE E
Spanaway, WA 98387
Richard Wills, LMP
Provides focused orthopedic bodywork massage therapy for back pain, fibromyalgia, sciatica, knee pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, TMJ, joint pain, chronic pain, Range of Motion (ROM) issues, frozen shoulder, frozen hip, and tennis elbow. Conditions like spondylosis and spondylolisthesis often respond quickly to this type of massage therapy, often providing a non surgical alternative treatment.
This massage clinic / pain clinic first does a thorough assessment of posture, joint range of motion and specific points of pain to identify the actual muscle, fascia or adhesive capsulitis condition that is the source of your chronic pain.
Once the actual pain condition has been identified, the therapist uses various "scope of practice" techniques, that include deep tissue massage, hot stone massage, and swedish massage to treat the muscle and fascia conditions that are actually causing either pain and / or Range Of Motion issues.
Many clients prefer relaxation massage therapy. Sometimes this is because they experienced considerable pain during a previous deep tissue massage. The philosophy at this pain / massage clinic is that pain is counter productive to therapy. Pain free deep tissue work is best accomplished by a trained, patient, knowledgeable therapist.
Both hypertensive muscles, (short and tight), or hypotensive muscles, (stretched, weak and inhibited), can cause pain. Ida Rolf, creator of Rolfing stated "bring muscles back to their normal resting lengths and pain disappears". In general, upper back muscles are hypotensive (weak, long and inhibited). Extensive "face down" massage in this area feels good, as rubbing promotes production of endorphins, the "feel good" hormone. However, the real source of pain is hypertensive chest muscles. This clinician believes that massaging upper back muscles feels good, but ultimately worsens neck and shoulder pain symptoms. Weak, inhibited muscles are further weakened and inhibited.
Relaxation massage gets best results when muscle and fascia are brought back to normal resting lengths. There should be a balance between flexors and extensors.
Years In Practice
Primary Specialty
Massage Therapist
Pt.Townsed School of Massage
Licensed Massge Therapist
Office Staff
This is a single person massage clinic / pain clinic practice staffed by LMP Richard Wills. Normal hours are Mon - Thur 10 am to 4 pm. However, Richard frequently accepts clients outside his normal published hours. If you have questions, either about therapy, or scheduling, call him.
Payment Options
Cash, check, Most credit cards, debit cards (excluding discover and American Express)