Cost Cutters Walmart N

Cost Cutters Walmart N
Cost Cutters Walmart N 3400 55th Street Northwest Rochester, MN 55901

Cost Cutters Walmart N

Cost Cutters Walmart N is a Salon facility at 3400 55th Street Northwest in Rochester, MN.
Primary Specialty


Services Cost Cutters Walmart N is a salon in Rochester, MN 55901.

Salons like Cost Cutters Walmart N offer services that often include haircuts, nails services, waxing, manicures and pedicures.

Contact Cost Cutters Walmart N and discus your beauty needs or stop by at 3400 55th Street Northwest, Rochester, MN 55901. For a description of services offered, call Cost Cutters Walmart N at (507) 289-0679
Consumer Feedback
(8 Reviews)
4 star average for Service
4 star average for Environment
4 star average for Expertise
3 star average for Recommended
4 star average for Value
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My stylist was rude and belittled me. My husband was with me and was shocked at how she spoke to me as I were a child and how cruel she was with her comments. I brought in a photo of the hair cut and style I wanted (for long hair). I HAD very long hair and this should had been a simple cut, but she didn't even look at the cut, all she said is "you aren't coming out of here that blonde". I said of course, I mainly want the haircut style and a shade or two lighter than my natural light brown hair. We agreed to take 1 inch off. When I looked in the mirror I saw she had taken about 6 to 7 inches off. I asked her if that was 1/2 and inch and she blamed me because I wanted layers, never did I say I wanted layers and the photo I brought in did not have layers. I wanted to cry. She got irritated and said fine I'll see what I can do (not sure how she was going to make 6 inches grow back). I told her I didn't want her working on my hair angry and I paid and left. I am taking this up with the manager and requesting a full refund. My stylist also too on other clients when she was suppose to be working on me and took a smoke break. Do not go to Cost Cutters at Walmart, I should had known better, but I'm on a fixed income and can't afford highend stylists and I figured they could handle a simple cut, but I was wrong.
by Michelle
July 12, 2011
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Did this provider's staff seem to respect him/her?
Definitely! The staff spoke very highly of this provider and it was clear that they held them in a position of high respect.
Did this provider give the impression that they cared about your concerns?
by Anonymous
October 19, 2014

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Did you feel that your visit with the provider was time well spent?
Mostly yes
Did you feel like this provider's office was sufficiently staffed?
Did your hair stylist dry and style your hair after your hair cut?
Yes, I was able to go out right after.
Did this Provider let you know upfront what the approximate cost of the services would be?
How would you compare this salon to other salons you have visited?
Fairly Average
by Anonymous
May 05, 2014
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