ServicesD J'S Hair Shoppe is a salon in Edwards, CO 81632.
Salons like D J'S Hair Shoppe offer services that often include haircuts, nails services, waxing, manicures and pedicures.
Contact D J'S Hair Shoppe and discus your beauty needs or stop by at 105 Edwards Village Boulevard, Edwards, CO 81632. For a description of services offered, call D J'S Hair Shoppe at (970) 926-8844
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DJ's Hair Shoppe has always treated me well! I have enjoyed the friendships I have made over the years! There are times that I haven't seen long time local friend for years & then you find yourself sitting there getting your hair done & in walks an old friend you haven't seen for years! It's awesome! It's almost like the show "Friends". I enjoy my services at this shop! I don't need a glass of wine with my hair cut! I just want my hair done & I love the results! You can find the right fit for you in this shop!