Giorgio's Hair Stylist

Giorgio's Hair Stylist
Giorgio's Hair Stylist 7120 Bergenline Avenue North Bergen, NJ 07047

Giorgio's Hair Stylist

Giorgio's Hair Stylist is a Salon facility at 7120 Bergenline Avenue in North Bergen, NJ.
Primary Specialty


Services Giorgio's Hair Stylist is a salon in North Bergen, NJ 07047.

Salons like Giorgio's Hair Stylist offer services that often include haircuts, nails services, waxing, manicures and pedicures.

Contact Giorgio's Hair Stylist and discus your beauty needs or stop by at 7120 Bergenline Avenue, North Bergen, NJ 07047. For a description of services offered, call Giorgio's Hair Stylist at (201) 861-4440
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The staff was one of the most respectful, helpful staffs I've ever seen anywhere. It was obvious they really enjoyed working there. I don't know of anywhere else that would've taken better care of me. I had a great experience. I couldn't believe how many new and interesting magazines they had in their waiting area. I could have stayed in there reading all day. They always go above and beyond to help me with anything I need. They never complain about anything, and I know I can always count on them.
by Eddie W
May 13, 2011