Charles Kurowski, Mr.

Charles Kurowski, Mr.
A Family Chiropractic Center 121 Hampton Hwy Yorktown, VA 23693

Charles Kurowski, Mr.

* Doctor of Chiropractic, Magna Cum Laude, Life University College of Chiropractic * Bachelors of Science, Physics(Math minor),Magna Cum Laude, Jacksonville University * Associates Degree, Nuclear Engineering Technology, Pennsylvania State University * Member Society of Chiropractic Orthospinology * Retired officer, United States Navy, 27 years * Member Kiwanis of York * Hobbies: Photography and weight training
Years In Practice 31
Primary Specialty


Education Penn State, Jacksonville University, and Life University
Training NUCCA, Grostic Procedure, Orthospinology,CBP and Cox Low Back techniques.
Certification NBCE
Office Staff Susan J. Kurowski, RN

* Office Manager
* Riverside School of Professional Nursing
* Member Daughters of the American Revolution
* Member Tidewater Geneaological Society
* Hobbies: Genealogy and scrapbooking
Services * Soft tissue therapies to reduce pain and relieve muscle spasm.* Exercise to help increase muscle strength and tissue flexibility* Interferential and ultrasound therapies to provide additional pain relief and enhanced healing.* Employee health and fitness training for reduction of work-related injuries. We can put on a seminar at your workplace on a variety of health related subjects.* Nutritional counseling. Dietary deficiencies contribute to a host of disorders prevalent in today's society. We carry top quality nutritional supplements to help resolve imbalances that may be inhibiting your progress toward optimum health.* Lifestyle modification recomendations. Over time, continued unhealthy choices can result in serious illness or disability. We can help identify unhealthy patterns and suggest strategies for improvement.
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by TeresaM
August 20, 2012