Howard Rosenblum, MD practices as an Ophthalmologist in Nashville, TN.Howard Rosenblum, MD graduated from Univ Of Rochester School Of Medicine, Rochester NY 14642 and has been practicing since 1984.
Years In Practice41
Primary Specialty
EducationUniv Of Rochester School Of Medicine, Rochester NY 14642
TrainingStrong Mem Hsp U Rochester, Ophthalmology; Rochester Gen Hosp, Internal Medicine
AffiliationsSaint Thomas Hospital
CertificationBoard Certified / American Board of Ophthalmology. Eye Physician & Surgeon
ServicesHoward Rosenblum, MD practices in Nashville, TN. Ophthalmologists examine and treat common vision disorders, eye injuries and eye diseases. Ophthalmologists such as Howard Rosenblum, MD are licensed medical doctors and can prescribe medication as well as perform eye surgery.
To determine if Howard Rosenblum, MD can help you, please call the Nashville, TN office at (615) 386-9200 for more information.