My mother was a resident of Briarcliffe Gardens and Dr. Stoukides is the resident doctor. The Assisted Living facility allowed my mother to gain 42 1/2 lbs! My mom was always a small person and never weighed this much in her whole life! This overfeeding of her and this weight gain made it impossible for her to support this weight. She fell on March 11,2014, broke her hip and never recovered. She passed away on April 23, 2014! I filed a complaint against Briarcliffe Gardens and they would not accept blame and passed to the blame onto Dr. Stoukides! Briarcliffe Gardens got off scott free. So, I filed a complaint against Dr. Stoukides and he has gotten off scott free! Both are at fault. The Gardens for lying to our family and Dr. Stoukides for obviously not following up on my mom. I.E. why was this much weight gain not questioned? I was told by the Gardens that they sat with me every month to go over my mom's health. NEVER HAPPENED. THEY ARE NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF LIARS! NOT ONCE DID DR. STOUKIDES EVER CONTACT OR SPEAK TO ME ABOUT MY MOTHER! I blame both Briarcliffe Gardens and Dr. Stoukides for my mom's death.