Thomas Orndorf, MD Featured Provider
Thomas Orndorf, MD
Fulton County Medical Svc Office

(717) 485-9351

Fax (717) 485-4716 182 Buchanan Trl Ste 148 Mc Connellsburg, PA 17233

Directions to 182 Buchanan Trl Ste 148, Mc Connellsburg, PA 17233



Primary Specialty


Practice Fulton County Medical Svc
Education Jefferson Med Coll-Thos Jefferson Univ, Philadelphia Pa 19107
Training Penn St U Hp-M S Hershey Mc, Obstetrics And Gynecology

Thomas Orndorf, MD

Thomas Orndorf, MD practices as an OBGYN in Mc Connellsburg, PA.Thomas Orndorf, MD graduated from Jefferson Med Coll-Thos Jefferson Univ, Philadelphia Pa 19107.


Thomas Orndorf, MD offers OBGYN services in Mc Connellsburg, PA at 182 Buchanan Trl Ste 148, Mc Connellsburg, PA 17233. Obstetricians & Gynecologists (OBGYN) specialize in female reproductive health issues as well as gynecological health issues.

To learn more about OBGYN services, or to make an appointment with Fulton County Medical Svc in Mc Connellsburg, PA, please call (717) 485-9351.