Stephen Montgomery, MD practices as an Ophthalmologist in Roswell, NM.Stephen Montgomery, MD graduated from Howard Univ Coll Of Med, Washington Dc 20059.
Primary Specialty
EducationHoward Univ Coll Of Med, Washington Dc 20059
TrainingLegacy Good Samaritan Hosp Mc, Ophthalmology; Doctor'S Hosp, Ophthalmology; Homer G Phillips Hosp, Ophthalmology; St Mary Med Ctr, Flexible Or Transitional Year
ServicesStephen Montgomery, MD practices in Roswell, NM. Ophthalmologists examine and treat common vision disorders, eye injuries and eye diseases. Ophthalmologists such as Stephen Montgomery, MD are licensed medical doctors and can prescribe medication as well as perform eye surgery.
To determine if Stephen Montgomery, MD can help you, please call the Roswell, NM office at (505) 623-8420 for more information.