Pediatric dentistry offering complete children's dental care including cosmetic, orthodontic, and restorative dentistry for children and young adults. Mention how you found us!
ServicesComprehensive Examinations Complete dental exams are performed by a board certified pediatric dentist. These exams include but are not limited to examination of all soft tissue, teeth occlusion, teeth structure and oral cancer screening.
Diagnostic And Preventive Services Dental prophylaxis, fluoride treatments, sealants and digital xrays. Orthodontic records include digital cephlametric xray, panoramic xray, study models and photographs–in order to evaluate orthodontic treatment needed.
Restorative Procedures Teeth may be restored with composite restorations or chrome steel crowns or porcelain crowns. Pulpotomy treatment may be needed in deep carious primary teeth.
Emergency Care Dr. Feldhaus is available 24/7 in the event of an emergency.
Surgical Procedures Teeth are surgically extracted and soft tissue is surgically treated with a diode laser . For example, a frenectomy or excess gingiva would be removed with this laser.
Cosmetic Dentistry Porcelain veneers, composite bonding , or porcelain crowns are used to improve the appearance of the teeth.
Tooth Replacement Tooth replacement is often used on the toddler that knocks out his upper front teeth. These pedo partials are cemented in the mouth and look exactly like the missing teeth. This holds space and allows for better speaking with the teeth back in place.
Custom Mouth Guards Custom mouth guards are made to order in any color. These can be used for participation in sports to prevent injury or at night to prevent harm to teeth while grinding.
Custom At Home Bleaching Trays Impressions are taken and the bleaching trays are made in the office to fit the upper and lower teeth exactly. They are comfortable and easy to use. A person could use these bleaching trays for life. Bleach is provided by the office as well.
Habit Breaking Appliances Custom appliances are made to cement in the patient’s mouth. These might include a thumb habit breaking appliance or a tongue thrust breaking appliance. These appliances are usually removed in less than a year when the patient has stopped the oral habit.
Interceptive Orthodontics Interceptive orthodontics is performed on the growing child to make more space for the permanent teeth to erupt. This is necessary if there is not enough room for the permanent teeth to erupt or if there is a crossbite in the permanent teeth. Interceptive orthodontics is achieved either with removable or fixed appliances.
Space Maintenance Space maintenance is accomplished with a space maintainer that is cemented in the mouth to hold space that is caused from the premature loss of a baby tooth. The space maintainer is removed when the permanent tooth erupts into the position that is held with the space maintainer. This may prevent the need for orthodontics to regain the space later.
Nitrous Oxide Patients have the option to use nitrous oxide with treatment to be more relaxed during treatment.
Complete Orthodontics Patients can have their occlusion completely corrected with braces that are worn for a period of time. The patients are checked each month by Dr. Feldhaus and wires are changed. A custom retainer is made at the end of treatment.Additional ServicesPediatric dentistry, dentistry for the handicapped, childrens orthodontics, kids dental care