19 years in practice within Acadiana. Dr. Daneshfar has a reputation as a top Radition Oncologist in this community. Recognized by MD Anderson as the choice physician in this community for Radiation Oncology. Dr. Daneshfar treats all types of cancer in men and women.
Primary Specialty
Radiation Oncologist
EducationUniv Of Mo, Columbia Sch Of Med, Columbia Mo 65212
TrainingUniv Tx Med Branch Hosps, Radiation Oncology; Forest Park Hosp, Flexible Or Transitional Year
ServicesDon't get your prostate cut out, don't get it radiated in 8 weeks. Let me tell you why a one day implant will be better for you. Even if the doctor you see's says your not a candidate ignore that and get a second opinion with me. Even if they tell you that they do it too and offer, let me see you and tell you why you need an experienced person like myself rather than those that just dabble in it.