Frederic Billings III, MD

Frederic Billings III, MD
Louisiana Hematology-Oncology 4950 Essen Ln Baton Rouge, LA 70809

Frederic Billings III, MD

Frederic Billings III, MD practices as an Oncologist in Baton Rouge, LA.Frederic Billings III, MD graduated from Vanderbilt Univ Sch Of Med, Nashville Tn 37232.
Primary Specialty


Education Vanderbilt Univ Sch Of Med, Nashville Tn 37232
Training Univ Hosp Of Cleveland, Internal Medicine; Vanderbilt Univ Med Ctr, Internal Medicine
Services Louisiana Hematology-Oncology provides oncology services in Baton Rouge, LA. Oncology includes the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, and many other forms of cancer.

Contact Frederic Billings III, MD at (225) 767-1311 for specific information about cancer treatment in Baton Rouge, LA.
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They gave me sufficient information to make a decision about my treatment plan. The one thing that I really enjoy about this place is their high level of customer service. Their full attention is always on me and they never take personal calls during my appointment. I've been to other places that answer their phone and it just drives me crazy. They always take that extra step to make me feel special. I always enjoy my appointments here.
by daddy's girl
January 23, 2012
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Yes, I know I can count on them to find a solution
by Anonymous
November 02, 2011
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