Conditions treated by Douglas Stevens, MD in Fort Myers, FL


It seems like every teenager has looked in the mirror while examining a dreaded pimple. Though mostly noticed on the face, acne can appear on the back, neck, or other part of the body. Acne occurs most commonly during puberty and often continues into adulthood. During adolescence, acne is usually caused by an increase in testosterone, which take...
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Sun Damage

Spending too much time in the sun can make you older before your time, or look it at the least. Too much sun exposure is responsible for most of the sun damage associated with aging skin. Sun damage is the measure of how much the sun has changed the look and feel of your skin. Sun damage, also called photo damage, not only makes your skin look o...
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Relief for chronic sinusitis

Dr. Douglas Stevens is one of the only doctors in Southwest Florida to offer and specialize in balloon sinuplasty. If you or someone you know suffers from sinus pressure, headaches, chronic nasal congestion or any of the other conditions listed below, Balloon Sinuplasty could be the solution.
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