It's our commitment to provide top-quality dental care with an experience that exceeds your expectations. Hayward Dental is devoted to making your visit comfortable with our friendly doctor and staff while getting the necessary care to optimize your dental health. We will go out of our way to give the members of your family, from children to adults, the personal attention, comfort, and good dental care they deserve. We promise, "We treat your family like it was our own."
ServicesWe offer exceptional services in General Dentistry (the diagnosis, treatment, management and overall services to meet patients oral health needs), Family Dentistry(the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the teeth, gums and the jaw), Preventive Dentistry (prevent the occurrence of oral diseases), Restorative Dentistry (reconstruction of a tooth or group of teeth injured or destroyed by trauma or disease), Periodontics (diseases of the gums), Cosmetic Dentistry (to improve the appearance of a smile), Oral Surgery (surgery of the oral mouth cavity), Implant Dentistry (to cover up your missing tooth), Sedation Dentistry (sedative pill that relax you during treatment), and specialties in Orthodontics (make your teeth straight) such as Traditional Braces or Invisalign(straighten your teeth without wires), each designed to extend the life of your teeth and total dental health, contributing to your physical well-being, outer appearance, and your inner confidence. We offer routine check-ups and cleanings. Emergency patients are always welcome.