Emad Tadros, MD practices as a psychiatrist in San Diego, California (CA). Dr Tadros provides counseling services in San Diego, Ca and specializes in individual, couples, marriage and family counseling. He is a leading psychiatrist in the San Diego area who focuses on improving the overall mental health of individuals seeking guidance and an opportunity for self-improvement.
For help with anxiety, depression or relationship and marriage counseling in San Diego, CA, please contact Dr. Emad Tadros at (619) 291-4808 and make an appointment today.
Primary Specialty
EducationAin Shams Univ, Fac Of Med, Abbasia, Cairo, Egypt (330-04 Pr 1/71)
TrainingUniv Ca San Diego Med Ctr, Psychiatry; Edward Hines Jr Va Hosp, Internal Medicine
ServicesDr. Emad Tadros, is an experienced psychiatrist in San Diego, Calirfornia (CA), offers individual counseling, couples counseling and marriage counseling in a private and supportive atmosphere. He works with a wide range of emotional and behavioral issues providing services focused on Adult Depression, Adult and Teen Anxiety. Dr Tadros offers a personalized approach tailored to each of his client's individual needs to help attain the personal growth they're striving for.
Tadros is an empathetic doctor who asks all of the right questions about your issues. He is very thorough and makes sure you're on the right track. His bedside manner is great and office staff helpful and nice.