Specialty Orthopaedics is what sets Little Rock based Arkansas Specialty Orthopaedics (ASO) apart from all of the other practices in the state. Orthopaedic Surgeons treat injuries, diseases, and ailments of the bones, joints and muscles; we have 18 Orthopaedic Surgeons. Specialty Orthopaedics means the Orthopaedic Surgeon has completed additional education and focus, known as fellowship, in a particular area of Orthopaedics such as: Hand, Foot & Ankle, Sports Medicine, Spine, Shoulder, Knee and Hip. All of Arkansas Specialty Orthopaedics’ surgeons are fellowship trained and subspecialty focused. ASO also has physicians specializing in Neurology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Orthopaedic First Care. ASO offers Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and an Outpatient Surgery and Pain Management Center.