Richard W Gotlib, MD

Richard W Gotlib, MD

Richard W Gotlib, MD

Richard W Gotlib, MD practices as an Ophthalmologist in COMMACK, NY.
Primary Specialty


Services Richard W Gotlib, MD practices in COMMACK, NY. Ophthalmologists examine and treat common vision disorders, eye injuries and eye diseases. Ophthalmologists such as Richard W Gotlib, MD are licensed medical doctors and can prescribe medication as well as perform eye surgery.

To determine if Richard W Gotlib, MD can help you, please call the COMMACK, NY office at (631) 486-4742 for more information.
Consumer Feedback
(3 Reviews)
5 star average for Service
5 star average for Environment
4 star average for Expertise
5 star average for Staff
3 star average for Recommended
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Their office was one of the quietest, most peaceful places I've ever visited. I was able to relax very easily. I love how much attention to detail they show. They are always so careful and meticulous. I never have to worry about them making a mistake or forgetting something. They made the extra effort to make sure every question and concern I had was addressed.
by Anonymous
September 16, 2011

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Dr. Gotlib is fantastic! I really recommend him highly. He took the time to explain to me everything that was happening with my eyes in a way which I could easily understand.

In addition to his MD and specialty in Ophthalmology, he also has a PhD and I really trust his opinions. He is extremely personable and a very caring doctor.

I wish all of my doctors were as capable and caring as Dr. Gotlib.
by Anonymous
June 02, 2011
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How would you compare this provider to others in his/her field that you have visited?
Fairly Average
Is this business handicap-accessible?
Yes, it was handicap-accessible
Are you confident that this provider will continue working with you until a solution is reached?
Yes, I know I can count on them to find a solution
Did this provider thoroughly explain the risks and benefits of your treatment?
Yes, I felt informed when I left
Did this provider's staff seem to respect him/her?
Yes, I could tell the staff respected him/her
by Anonymous
October 13, 2011
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