Usha Nuthi, MD

Usha Nuthi, MD

Usha Nuthi, MD

Usha Nuthi, MD practices as a Neurologist in HUNTSVILLE, AL.
Primary Specialty


Services Usha Nuthi, MD provides neurology services in HUNTSVILLE, AL. A Neurologist is a physician who diagnoses, treats, and manages disorders, disease, and injuries to the nervous system. This includes such areas as the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles.

Please call Usha Nuthi, MD at (256) 650-0026 to schedule an appointment in HUNTSVILLE, AL or to get more information.
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(11 Reviews)
4 star average for Service
4 star average for Environment
2.5 star average for Expertise
4 star average for Staff
3.5 star average for Recommended
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She was my first neurologist, she was correct on all of the issues that I had. I went the other docs for second opinions and the just gave me the runaround. I did 2 sets of inpatient video eeg’s and they turned nothing up. Final diagnosis PNES, exactly what Dr Nuthie had told me 8+ years before. Wish I could find her now!
by Brian Newell
August 18, 2021

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In 1999, I developed PN following C6-C7 cervical fusion. My neurosurgeon then referred me to Dr. Nuthi for treatment which is when she became my permanent neurologist. Doctor Nuthi was an exemplary physician up until a couple of years ago. The decline in the quality of her practice may coincide with the opening of her “Fountain Of Youth” practice. Fast forward a few months and the most drastic decline in quality can be traced to Nuthi’s nurse Melisa leaving the practice. This is when the high turnover of young inexperienced office workers began to take place. Botched appointments and sloppy record keeping became the norm.
Fast forward two years: I arrived at my LAST appointment to find myself and several other patients locked out. We waited for an hour in the parking lot outside the office and no one showed up. I called and left numerous messages and as always, no one called me back. The assistants would always blame their non-response on their phone system, but this has been going on for over two years. I sincerely hope Dr. Nuthi is OK, but if this can’t be considered criminal, it is most certainly the definition of irresponsible, un-ethical and in-humane.
by Adrift
February 12, 2015
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Did this provider thoroughly explain the risks and benefits of your treatment?
No, they didn't even attempt to explain
Did this provider leave you unattended for an extended period of time?
I was left alone for a while, but it wasn't too long
by Anonymous
December 04, 2013

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Did you have to wait long after you arrived for your appointment?
Yes, I had to wait quite a while
Does this provider welcome questions?
Not really. I felt like an annoyance when I asked a question
Were the restrooms well-stocked at this provider's office?
Sometimes, but most of the time they aren't
Are you going to visit this provider again?
Only if I couldn't find a better substitute
Do you feel that you could have received better service somewhere else?
Yes! I know that I would have gotten better service anywhere else!
by Anonymous
June 13, 2013
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