Usha Agarwal, MD

Usha Agarwal, MD

Usha Agarwal, MD

Usha Agarwal, MD practices as a Family Doctor in NEW PORT RICHEY, FL.Usha Agarwal, MD graduated from Mgm Med Coll, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidhyalaya, Indore, Mp, India.
Primary Specialty

Family Doctor

Education Mgm Med Coll, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidhyalaya, Indore, Mp, India
Training Umdnj-New Jersey Med Sch, Infectious Diseases; Harlem Hospital Center, Internal Medicine
Services Usha Agarwal, MD offers family practice services in NEW PORT RICHEY, FL. A family doctor is typically a general practitioner who treats most family members from children to adults.

Usha Agarwal, MD in NEW PORT RICHEY, FL may treat physical symptoms, prescribe medications, diagnose conditions and much more.

Please call Usha Agarwal, MD at (727) 846-9419 to schedule an appointment in NEW PORT RICHEY, FL or to get more information.
Consumer Feedback
(4 Reviews)
2 star average for Service
3 star average for Environment
3.5 star average for Expertise
3 star average for Staff
3 star average for Recommended
1.5 star average for Value
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Very unprofessional, disrespectful & negligent. Doesn’t take responsibility for any mistakes that her or her staff make. Don’t bother trying to ask her questions. She doesn’t like to take the time to explain anything. Won’t send out to see specialists because she thinks she knows everything. Don’t try to tell her something is wrong and you don’t feel well either she will put you off until you end up hospitalized. There is no team with Usha. She thinks she knows everything but her knowledge is very outdated. I wouldn’t recommend her to anyone. Get a second opinion on anything she tells you, better yet save yourself the hassle and find a real doctor.
by Sumari
November 16, 2017
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Did this provider have an entertaining selection of waiting room magazines?
Not at all! They were boring and outdated
Did this provider seem well-trained and experienced?
No, they weren't very knowledgeable
Were the staff members able to answer your questions?
They were rarely able to answer any of my questions
Has this provider ever cancelled your appointment on you last minute?
Yes, I'm never confident that my appointment will actually happen
How would you compare this provider to others in his/her field that you have visited?
The worst I have seen
by Anonymous
October 17, 2012

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Was this provider argumentative or easily angered?
Not at all, they were one of the kindest, most attentive individuals I've ever met
Was this provider's office too cold?
Not at all, it was the perfect temperature
Does this provider offer any coupons, discounts or promotions?
Not that I have seen
Did you feel safe in this provider's care?
Absolutely! I knew I was being cared for by an expert!
by Anonymous
October 12, 2011
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