ServicesTracy L Brockman, MD offers family practice services in MODESTO, CA. A family doctor is typically a general practitioner who treats most family members from children to adults.
Tracy L Brockman, MD in MODESTO, CA may treat physical symptoms, prescribe medications, diagnose conditions and much more.
Please call Tracy L Brockman, MD at (209) 527-6900 to schedule an appointment in MODESTO, CA or to get more information.
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Dr. Brockman as well as the other doctors I have visted within Family Medical have all been very competent and spend the necessary time with you to ask questions and thoroughly explain their diagnosis and the related recommended treatment.
I actually have access to Kaiser with a significantly less expensive cost per month, however, because of the care I receive at Family Medical, I will pay the extra premiums just to stay with them due to the quality of care and trust I have in their professionals.
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They had a huge selection of magazines in the waiting room. I was able to find some of my favorites and they kept me entertained while I was waiting for my appointment. I really admire them for being more than willing to ask for help from other professionals in the field when they don't have an answer to my question. They aren't even slightly arrogant, and I'm confident they always have my best interest at heart. They were so easy to reach in an emergency, they answered my call immediately. It is a relief to know that I can count on them to always be there for me when I need them the most. They are always prepared for my appointment and remember everything about me. I haven't seen any coupons or discounts for this provider's office, but I haven't really looked. They never mention anything about promotions when I'm there.