ServicesLeticia A Polanco, MD offers family practice services in CHULA VISTA, CA. A family doctor is typically a general practitioner who treats most family members from children to adults.
Leticia A Polanco, MD in CHULA VISTA, CA may treat physical symptoms, prescribe medications, diagnose conditions and much more.
Please call Leticia A Polanco, MD at (619) 482-7301 to schedule an appointment in CHULA VISTA, CA or to get more information.
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I went to Dr. Polanco as my HMO required that I see her before I saw a specailist for my allergies. She prescribed the Nedi Pot (OTC) and Flonase (Prescription) and encouraged my continued use of Allegra (OTC) if I so choose. She said if that did not work that she would refer me to the allergist. She had seen lots of success with this combo. Well, she was right! I don't take Allegra anymore and with my daily nasal cleaning and morning Flonase, I am just about cured of my allergies! Thanks Dr. Polanco. (She did refer me to a dermatologist for my other concern. She does refer when necessary!)