Darin A Maccoux, MD

Darin A Maccoux, MD

Darin A Maccoux, MD

Darin A Maccoux, MD practices as a Family Doctor in MUSKEGO, WI.
Primary Specialty

Family Doctor

Services Darin A Maccoux, MD offers family practice services in MUSKEGO, WI. A family doctor is typically a general practitioner who treats most family members from children to adults.

Darin A Maccoux, MD in MUSKEGO, WI may treat physical symptoms, prescribe medications, diagnose conditions and much more.

Please call Darin A Maccoux, MD at (414) 422-2180 to schedule an appointment in MUSKEGO, WI or to get more information.
Consumer Feedback
(8 Reviews)
5 star average for Service
4 star average for Environment
4.5 star average for Expertise
4.5 star average for Staff
4 star average for Recommended
3.5 star average for Value
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Recent Reviews
Dr. is very professional in his position when visiting him. I love that he takes the time to hear me. I most likely will come see him again. T.
by t.Edwards xxx.xxx.80.223
February 12, 2017

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When I'd ask a question, it seemed like some employees were annoyed. I understand they're very busy stumbling along WITH EPIC, but they need to remember that the patients are MORE IMPORTANT THAN FREAKING EPIC! There is no excuse for barking at patients that are sick because they are unable to function as a medical office anymore because of EPIC. There is no follow up with test results and no response to requests for information, probably because their misdirected focus and source of disfunction is EPIC.
by David Rozman xxx.xxx.194.210
January 16, 2013
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Did this provider promise services he/she couldn't provide?
Not at all! They exceeded my expectations
Did this family doctor answer all of your questions?
Every question I had was answered thoroughly
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.189.166
December 11, 2013

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Without a doubt!
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Yes! It was effortless!
Did this provider thoroughly explain the risks and benefits of your treatment?
Yes, they made sure I had all the information I needed to make a decision
Does this provider have a good professional reputation within your community?
Definitely! Everyone knows they are the best around!
Does this provider give unbiased advice?
Absolutely! I always get sound, helpful, and completely unbiased advice!
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.65.25
August 27, 2013
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