Lisa A Johnson, OD

Lisa A Johnson, OD

Lisa A Johnson, OD

Lisa A Johnson, OD practices as an Optometrist in GREENBELT, MD.
Primary Specialty


Services Lisa A Johnson, OD practices in GREENBELT, MD. Optometrists offer services which typically include the examination and treatment of common vision disorders as well as the fitting and prescription of corrective eye glasses.

If you experience a change in vision, such as eye pain, blurred vision, persistent eye strain or redness, you should consult an Optometrist.

To determine if Lisa A Johnson, OD can help you, please call the GREENBELT, MD office at (301) 345-0913 for more information.
Consumer Feedback
(5 Reviews)
4.5 star average for Service
4.5 star average for Environment
5 star average for Expertise
3.5 star average for Staff
4.5 star average for Recommended
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Did you spend a lot of time in the waiting room at this provider's office?
No, my appointment started at the scheduled time
Is this provider willing to pursue advice from other providers when necessary?
Absolutely! They aren't arrogant at all and are more than willing to pursue advice when necessary
Was it easy to find parking at this provider's office?
Extremely easy, and close to the entrance
Is this provider's business conveniently located?
Yes, it is very conveniently located
Did you feel like this provider's office was understaffed?
No, they were fully staffed
by Anonymous
June 24, 2013

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Did this provider's staff seem to respect him/her?
Yes, I could tell the staff respected him/her
Did this provider leave you unattended for an extended period of time?
No, I was always attended to
Was the waiting area spacious?
Is this provider willing to pursue advice from other providers when necessary?
Absolutely! They aren't arrogant at all and are more than willing to pursue advice when necessary
Did this provider thoroughly explain the risks and benefits of your treatment?
Yes, they made sure I had all the information I needed to make a decision
by Anonymous
May 29, 2013
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