John R Riker, DC

John R Riker, DC
Riker Chiropractic 16 Hope Plaza WEST COXSACKIE, NY 12192

John R Riker, DC

John R Riker, DC practices as a Chiropractor in WEST COXSACKIE, NY.
Years In Practice 37
Primary Specialty


Services John R Riker, DC practices at 16 Hope Plaza, WEST COXSACKIE, NY 12192. Chiropractors diagnose and treat common spinal misalignments that can occur from lifestyle or injuries causing pain, discomfort and degenerative conditions.

John R Riker, DC may be able to treat; back pain, sciatica, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, sports injuries, and auto accident injuries.

To learn more, or to make an appointment with John R Riker, DC in WEST COXSACKIE, NY, please call (518) 731-3071 for more information.
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No, they didn't cancel on me last minute
by Anonymous
April 07, 2011