Ronald Soderquist

Ronald Soderquist
950 Hampshire Road, Ste 102 Westlake Village, CA 91361

Ronald Soderquist

Ronald Soderquist practices as a Marriage & Family Therapist in Westlake Village, CA.
Primary Specialty

Marriage & Family Therapist

Services Ronald Soderquist practices at 950 Hampshire Road, Ste 102, Westlake Village, CA 91361. Marriage and family therapists diagnose and treat mental and emotional issues and concerns within marriages, couples and families.

For more information, call Ronald Soderquist at (805) 495-4226.
Consumer Feedback
(3 Reviews)
5 star average for Environment
5 star average for Expertise
5 star average for Recommended
5 star average for Staff
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Dear Dr. Soderquist,
I don't expect you to remember me. Years ago my husband Jack and I Gerry came to you for one session. You gave my husband some sage advice about how to keep his marriage from falling apart. At the time he worked for IBM Westlake and was a heavy drinker and was abusive and neglectful of me his young wife. He and I had three small sons. You advised him that a wife needs to be nurtured and loved like a beautiful plant in a garden. If he didn't tend to his garden that plant would shrivel in his garden and bloom in another mans garden. You asked me what my interests were and I told you that I had started a youth group at our apartment complex for the teens that had no place to gather. You praised me for what I was doing and said that I should consider getting an education and being paid for what I loved doing. Long story made short for you. Your words greatly influenced my life! It was a bumpy road over the years that followed seeing you. I left my husbands garden. Had several relationships and married a good man to whom I'm still married almost 40 years later. I went back to school as you suggested and eventually received my MFT. and Ph.D. I had a long career involving work at many agencies, opened 4 different Private Practice offices, and ended my career as the California State Trainer and Consultant in Wraparound. I wrote the curricula for Wraparound for the State and was very active in the National Wraparound Initiative. You, my Dear Man, are an excellent therapist! You changed my life and in the process through my work you influenced the lives of thousands of youth and families. I can only imagine what you have accomplished though your work with your other clients. I have praised you and given you credit over the years!
Please accept my complete and everlasting gratitude!
Geraldine R. Rodriguez, MFT, Ph.D.
"All of the elements necessary for our complete happiness exist in this moment. We need not dwell in the past nor grasp at the future." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
May 19, 2022
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Did this counselor keep your information confidential?
Definitely! They always make sure that everything I say is kept private and confidential
Did you feel that the counselor's advice was unbiased?
Absolutely, they've really help me come to terms with where my problems lie
Were the waiting rooms private?
Absolutely, they had a private waiting area and a separate exit.
Did the staff keep the temperature in the waiting room pleasant?
Do you think that the provider's staff are well trained?
by Anonymous
October 24, 2014

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Was this provider's office clean?
Yes! I was amazed at how clean it was!
Were the waiting room chairs comfortable at this provider's office?
Extremely comfortable; I could have fallen asleep
Did you feel safe in this provider's care?
Absolutely! I knew I was being cared for by an expert!
Did this provider answer all of your questions?
Every question I had was answered thoroughly
by Anonymous
September 21, 2011
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