Kelly Neylan is the owner of Lasting Light Wellness established in 2002, she is a Pampamesayok shaman in the Q’ero Peruvian tradition and studied through the Serena Anchanchu Centre for Inca Shamanism in Peru, Shamanic Training Institute, and the Four Winds Society (Alberto Villoldo). She is a Reiki Master level in the following traditions: Usui, Karuna Holy Fire ®, Sekhem-Seichim (SHSK), Karuna Reiki®, Celtic, Kundalini, Lightarian, and Karuna Ki. She is an Adept through the Modern Mystery School. She is a foot, hand, and ear integrative reflexologist, chakra healer, Energetic Well Being Process (EGWBP) practitioner (advanced level proficiency) EGWBP works quickly to energetically release emotional triggers which in turn helps solve their physical manifestations in the body, Bioridian practitioner (Bioridian is much like Cherokee Crystal Healing), and an Access Consciousness Bars practitioner. Hypnotist, past life regressionist, public speaker, corporate wellness events.
ServicesReiki Shamanism Hypnosis Past life regressions Reflexology Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness Intuition Crystal and sound healing Angel work Workshops In-person and Zoom sessions Pre-recorded and live classesAdditional ServicesShaman, Reiki, Reflexologist