Martha C. Decembrino

Martha C. Decembrino
1235 Penn Avenue, Ste 302 Wyomissing, PA 19610

Martha C. Decembrino

Martha C. Decembrino practices as an Acupuncturist in Wyomissing, PA.
Primary Specialty


Services Martha C. Decembrino is an Acupuncturist or Acupuncture office in Wyomissing, PA. Call Martha C. Decembrino at (610) 374-2927 for a detailed description of the services offered.

Acupuncturist like Martha C. Decembrino offer services that often include facial renewal acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, Gua Sha, Zen Shiatsu, Chinese herbal formula, herbal medicine, smoking cessation and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Talk to the staff at Martha C. Decembrino for information about your acupuncture needs in Wyomissing, PA.
Consumer Feedback
(4 Reviews)
4.5 star average for Service
5 star average for Environment
5 star average for Expertise
5 star average for Staff
5 star average for Recommended
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Loved her approach and wisdom.
by Kathleen
July 05, 2023

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I had my first appointment with Martha last night and it was fantastic. She took her time getting my history, medical and personal, as it related to the acupuncture session. She explained in great detailed what she would do and then what she did do as she did it. She also explained the reactions I was feeling. She answered all my questions thoroughly and was a very friendly, welcoming person. I can't wait to go back and I've been recommending her.
by Vicki
June 20, 2013
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Did this provider answer all of your questions?
Every question I had was answered thoroughly
Was this provider's staff friendly?
Yes, they went above and beyond
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
Was this provider's office easy to locate?
Fairly Easy
Are you going to visit this provider again?
Without a doubt!
by Anonymous
June 18, 2012

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Did you have to wait long after you arrived for your appointment?
No, I didn't have to wait very long
Did this provider ever take personal phone calls while in the appointment room with you?
He/she would never do that! Their full attention is always on me.
Did this provider pressure you to purchase any unnecessary products during your visit?
Absolutely not! I was never uncomfortable
Did this provider use excessive foul language?
Not at all! They are always respectful and courteous!
by Anonymous
January 19, 2012
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