David Kinley

David Kinley
668 Raritan Road Clark, NJ 07066

David Kinley

David Kinley practices as an Acupuncturist in Clark, NJ.
Primary Specialty


Services David Kinley is an Acupuncturist or Acupuncture office in Clark, NJ. Call David Kinley at (732) 382-2434 for a detailed description of the services offered.

Acupuncturist like David Kinley offer services that often include facial renewal acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, Gua Sha, Zen Shiatsu, Chinese herbal formula, herbal medicine, smoking cessation and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Talk to the staff at David Kinley for information about your acupuncture needs in Clark, NJ.
Consumer Feedback
(21 Reviews)
4.5 star average for Service
4.5 star average for Environment
5 star average for Expertise
5 star average for Staff
5 star average for Recommended
5 star average for Value
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I was very skeptical. I had been suffering wth Migraines and the neurologist tried everything including Botox.. and his answer was to keep adding to my arsenal of meds. I did not like the way they made me feel so i tried an alternative approach...Dr Kinley. After 8 treatments i am happy to say I am headache free for the first time in months. I can't praise him and his staff enough. i am now going to have him try to see what he can do with my other "ailments". Anyone who has doubts about acupuncture all I can say iA Don't Knock It Until You Try IT!!

it has done wonders for me!!!
by Donna S xxx.xxx.77.222
October 22, 2012
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Not at all! They were happy to address every concern I had
Did this Provider let you know upfront what the approximate cost of the services would be?
Did this acupuncturist listen to your input and concerns?
Absolutely; they always listens carefully to what I have to say
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.37.63
November 05, 2016
Was the office accommodating when booking an appointment?
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.219.99
August 28, 2014
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