I help people to reduce pain and suffering (physical and emotional) and improve the quality of their health and their lives, using acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. I treat the whole person, helping them to come into balance. I work together with clients to help them meet their health goals. Often this includes dietary and lifestyle counseling, in addition to the acupuncture and herbs. I develop relationships of trust, caring and respect with my clients.
I enjoy working with all kinds of people with all kinds of health issues. Because of my training and experience with Chinese herbal medicine I am confident in my ability to address many internal complaints that clients may have (digestive, respiratory, reproductive, emotional, chronic illness) in addition to treating pain.
Testimonial: "I have seen Emily to help with chronic headaches, menstrual difficulties and a multitude of symptoms related to Lyme disease. Her approach has been strong, but gentle, her presence friendly and warm and I always leave feeling better."
Years In Practice20
Primary Specialty
EducationMasters of Oriental Medicine (MAOM) New England School of Acupuncture, 2005
B.A., Wesleyan University, 1993
TrainingPost-graduate training:
2-year Graduate Mentorship Program in Chinese Herbal Medicine with Sharon Weizenbaum at White Pine Healing Arts; in-depth segment on women's health
Study of Chinese Herbal Medicine (internal medicine) with Dr. Huang Huang in Nanjing, China and in the states
CertificationNCCAOM certified (National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine)
Licensed as an Acupuncturist by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine: Lic. #224288
I suffered from excruciating, chronic headaches for twenty plus years. I had tried many different avenues, all to no avail. Then I found Emily and thought “why not”. The results have been miraculous. Her treatments have reduced my headaches 98% within just three months. I continue to work with her because I am confident she will help me be totally free. Chris