Chinese and Japanese styles of acupuncture and herbal medicine for the relief of both chronic and acute illnesses and pain. A special interest in women's health and fertility, pregnancy, and post-partum care. Methods to effectively avoid and treat pre-eclampsia, polyhydramnios (excess amniotic fluid), oligohydramnios (insufficient amniotic fluid) and threatened miscarriage.
Years In Practice21
Primary Specialty
EducationNew England School of Acupuncture
TrainingMasters degree of acupuncture and oriental medicine
Servicespatients receive individualized care in comfortable private rooms. A great deal of time is spent analyzing individual cases which greatly increases the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment. Treatments are very relaxing and effective.
I love how much attention to detail they show. They are always so careful and meticulous. I never have to worry about them making a mistake or forgetting something. Let me just say that this business is in one of the safest areas around and you will be pleasantly surprised at how lovely the surroundings are. I really felt like they were happy to be helping me the entire time. I never once got the feeling that they were irritated or would rather be elsewhere. The herbs they gave me really helped, and definitely sped up my recovery. They really know a lot about herbal medicine, and which ones work for a certain condition. Its great that they always make sure to return my phone call as soon as possible. They've never left me waiting long and are so quick to reply.