Timothy R Trahant

Timothy R Trahant
4 Twin Oaks Lane Clinton, CT 06413

Timothy R Trahant

Timothy R Trahant practices as an Acupuncturist in Clinton, CT.
Primary Specialty


Services Timothy R Trahant is an Acupuncturist or Acupuncture office in Clinton, CT. Call Timothy R Trahant at (860) 669-9066 for a detailed description of the services offered.

Acupuncturist like Timothy R Trahant offer services that often include facial renewal acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, Gua Sha, Zen Shiatsu, Chinese herbal formula, herbal medicine, smoking cessation and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Talk to the staff at Timothy R Trahant for information about your acupuncture needs in Clinton, CT.
Consumer Feedback
(6 Reviews)
4.5 star average for Environment
4.5 star average for Expertise
5 star average for Staff
4 star average for Recommended
4.5 star average for Service
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Recent Reviews
Very good at what he does! has worked wonders on my long standing digestive issues as well and chronic knee pain. I am so glad I found this excellent therapist!
by Ellie xxx.xxx.103.14
December 28, 2015
Excellent mix of therapies to get the best results.
by Jason xxx.xxx.240.221
October 14, 2015
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Not satisfied, but not unhappy
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.173.65
August 27, 2014
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.87.182
July 12, 2013
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