Acupuncture does not have to be expensive to be effective! We offer $35 acupuncture sessions in a beautiful open setting. Established and operated by three local mothers and experienced acupuncturists, our mission is to provide high quality, affordable acupuncture in Marin County. Tamalpais Community Acupuncture is modeled after modern clinics in China where patients are treated in a quiet group setting. What makes our acupuncture clinic unique is a maximum of three people in our community room, and the added comforts of infrared heat lamps, soothing music and reclining chairs. Now you can afford to get well and stay well! We are conveniently located 2 minutes off the 101 N in Mill Valley.
Years In Practice21
Primary Specialty
EducationNorthwestern University in 1997 and the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences in 2004
ServicesI am a Mill Valley acupuncturist serving all of Marin County. I specialize in women's health, fertility and pediatrics. Please contact me for a complimentary 15-minute consultation.