Acupuncture Works of San Francisco is the Traditional Chinese Medicine practice of Carol Francois, Licensed Acupuncturist. Carol specializes in the treatment of acute and chronic pain conditions and strives to provide the finest health care with grace and compassion. She listens to her patients concerns and works with them to identify the areas of imbalance in their lives. Carol educates her clients about what they can do for themselves to achieve optimal health and wellness. It is her belief that as each of us attains better health and wholeness in our lives, we create healthier communities, thus benefiting the entire planet.
Years In Practice35
Primary Specialty
EducationB.A. San Francisco State University
TrainingAcupuncture Tutorial Wu's Healing Center San Francisco College of Acupuncture
AffiliationsNational Acupuncture Detoxification Association (N.A.D.A.)